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Austin Costumers' Coalition

The ACC is a fun, relaxed costuming group for all costumers, from the historical to cosplay and everything in-between! All are welcome, regardless of skill or background. We have zero tolerance for gatekeeping of any kind, but have a full tolerance for terrible puns.

Types of Events Hosted & Attended:

Balls, Picnics, Strolls, Historical Dancing, Museum Visits

Accuracy Level:

Just for Fun: We're just here for a good time and pretty clothes. Accuracy doesn't matter as much to us.

The ACC is a fun, relaxed costuming group for all costumers, from the historical to cosplay and everything in-between! All are welcome, regardless of skill or background. We have zero tolerance for gatekeeping of any kind, but have a full tolerance for terrible puns.

Connect with Us

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