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Our Submission Forms

Here are the forms you'll need to your event, costume, event planning company, or costuming group so it can be added to our website. Your contributions help us build a vibrant and inclusive community dedicated to celebrating the love of costumed events. Please fill out the relevant forms below to get started.


Not sure what to say about your event? Check out our Event Submission Suggestions below!

Event Submission Suggestions



Write a Description

Tell us about your event! You've been working hard and we want to hear about it!
Here are some ideas to get you started:


  • Overview: A brief introduction to the event.

  • Price of Admission: Provide details on ticket prices or admission fees. If the event is free, be sure to mention that as well.

  • Activities: Highlight key activities or features (e.g., dancing, feasting, contests, performances).

  • Dress Code: Specify any costume requirements or suggestions to help attendees dress appropriately.

  • Special Guests: Mention any notable guests or performers.

  • Additional Information: Include any other details that would enhance the attendee experience, such as parking information, accessibility, or amenities.

And don't forget to enter your website!


Add a Photo

Make your event stand out

with a photo!


It can be of past events, your venue, the organizers, or even your logo.


The photos will be seen under the Agenda view, Pinboard view, and Detail View.


Photos may also be used to promote your event on our social media pages.

A carefully kept garden on an estate
A long hall with a ceiling made of panes of glass


Utilize Hashtags

Events can be filtered by hashtags.

For maximum exposure, make a hashtag for:


  • The theme of your event
    (Fantasy, Victorian, Regency,
    All Eras, etc.)

  • The type of event
    (Ball, picnic, stroll,  etc.)

  • Whether the event is Paid or Free

  • Your event's closest major city

  • Your event company or your name
    if you host multiple events.

Note: You may be limited on how many tags you can use. Put any additional tags in the Private Notes field and we'll add them for you.


Ready to go?

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